Monday, October 26, 2015

Directors Spotlight Series

Articulation Agreements

CRTC Director Steve Rothenberg

These two words have little to no traction with students right now, but the concept of an articulation agreement represents a critical understanding for many Concord High and CRTC students considering starting their post-secondary education at a community college.  In essence, an articulation agreement is a contract between two education institutions (community college - university, high school - community college) that clearly establishes seamless pathways for matriculating students between the two institutions.  For example, NHTI has articulation agreements with universities like SNHU and UNH in such areas as accounting, engineering, health care, and more.  These agreements ensure that a student will receive full credit for their previous accomplishments when they transfer to earn their baccalaureate degree.  The worst scenario involves a transfer school not accepting credits. Students who thought they would be juniors find themselves back as sophomores.
 Knowledge of articulation agreements can prevent this and provide HUGE financial savings for students as they work to meet their college and career goals.  If I had my way, I would drop the name articulation agreement and rebrand it to something more concrete like transfer pathways (which seems to be sprouting up).

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